Jefferson, GA
Mon Jun 09 – Thu Jun 12 AT 9 a.m. – noon
Howdy, partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! There’s no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day long. But how can yer kids do that if they don’t know who Jesus is or what he’s done for them? Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory.
Corner-Stone Church will be hosting a Vacation Bible School from June 9th through the 12th (Monday through Thursday) from 9AM-12PM daily. This year's theme is Wonder Junction: Marvel at Jesus, Live for His Glory.
VBS is for children who have completed grades K through 5. Register your child(ren) today so that we can welcome them in June!
Corner-Stone Church—6933 Hwy 11, Jefferson, GA 30549